Contoh Surat Pengunduran Diri Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Sebelumnya blog yaqindlive pernah membahas contoh surat undangan dalam bahasa inggris dan berbagai contoh surat lainnya seperti surat rekomendasi kerja dalam bahasa inggris. nah pada kesempatan kali ini blog yaqindlive akan share contoh membuat surat pengunduran diri dalam bahasa inggris. langsung saja berikut contohnya. cekidot.

Contoh Surat Pengunduran Diri (English Version)

  July 20th 2012
  Mr. Scott Marting
  PT. XYZ Media
  Jl. Kali Biru No. XI, Jakarta

Dear Mr. Scott Marting,
Please accept this letter as my two-weeks notice of resignation. My last day of work will be July 19th 2012. While I have been very satisfied at XYZ Company, I have decided to make this move to advance my career. I have enjoyed working with you and appreciate the opportunities I have been given here. I will do my best to hand off my current projects prior to July 19th 2012. Please let me know if you need my help in any other way.
Please accept this letter as my two-weeks notice of resignation. My last day of work will be July 19th 2012. While I have been very satisfied at XYZ Company, I have decided to make this move to advance my career. I have enjoyed working with you and appreciate the opportunities I have been given here. I will do my best to hand off my current projects prior to July 19th 2012. Please let me know if you need my help in any other way.

Ainul Yaqin

..: Semoga Bermanfaat :..

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