Curiculum Vitae atau lebih dikenal dengan CV merupakan hal penting bagi kita yang akan melamar pekerjaan. karena dengan CV yang baik maka akan membantu proses keterimanya kita dalam lamaran kerja. (walaupun itu hanya sedikit faktor mungkin hehe). dibawah ini merupakan contoh Curiculum Vitae yang saya buat barangkali
dapat menambah informasi bagi yang belum tahu membuatnya dalam bahasa inggris. bagi yang sudah mahir artikel ini harap di abaikan saja. Informasi dibawah hanya merupakan contoh yang saya buat (data fiktif tentunya) anda dapat menyesuaikannya dengan data pribadi anda.
dapat menambah informasi bagi yang belum tahu membuatnya dalam bahasa inggris. bagi yang sudah mahir artikel ini harap di abaikan saja. Informasi dibawah hanya merupakan contoh yang saya buat (data fiktif tentunya) anda dapat menyesuaikannya dengan data pribadi anda.
Name Address Phone Cellphone Email Brith Date Nationality Gender Marital Status Spouse Name Number of Dependents | : Ainul Yaqin : Yaqindlive Office Park, Sumenep 6941 : (021) 555 xxxxx : 081111xxxxx : : 16 March, 1980 : Indonesian : Male : In Relationship (hehe) : Qoririalitafurqoni,S.Pdi : 1 |
A qualified English teacher who is able to effectively communicate with students from different backgrounds or varying degrees of ability. A dedicated professional with a proven ability to teach, motivate students to maximum performance by encouraging a positive and energetic environment. Fully familiar with the English National Curriculum and experience of applying technology in the classroom to make the most of the learning experience. Presently looking for a English teaching position with a progressive school.
August 2011 – Present August 2000 - Present | An English Teacher SMAN Englishindo Surabaya Cempaka Putih 33, Surabaya, (Postal Code) And An English Teacher SMPN Englishindo Surabaya Cempaka Putih 34, Surabaya (Postal Code) Duties : 1. Teaching English 2. Managing classroom 3. Planning, preparing, and delivering lessons to a varied range of classes and age groups 4. Preparing and setting tests, examination papers, exercises, individual and group assignment. 5. Marking all oral and written works of the students 6. Writing and producing new material appropriate with the classroom, including audio and visual resources 7. Organizing and Getting involved in a speech contest 8. Overcoming basic administration such as keeping the students’ attendance records for starters and leavers 9. Giving a secret of answering the tests of National Final Examination |
- STATE INSTITUTE FOR ISLAMIC STUDIES IAIN SA : English Education Degree 2008 - 2012
- SMAN 1 SUMENEP : 2006 - 2008
- SMPN 1 KALIANGET : 2004 - 2006
- SDN 1 KALIANGET : 1998 - 2004
- Able to use computer-assisted educational resources. Certified for Computer-assisted Language Learning.
The Best English Teacher in Madura - Governor Awards 2011
- Important Vocabulary for Students, Published 2003. Englishindo Press.
- Kamus Bahasa Inggris Mungil, Published 2003. Englishindo Press.
- Understanding Narrative Text for Lazy Learners, Published 2004. Englishindo Press.
- Menulis Puisi Bahasa Inggris Sendiri, Published 2004. Englishindo Press.
- Cerita Bahasa Inggris Legenda Indonesia, Published 2005. Englishindo Press.
..: Semoga Bermanfaat :..
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